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RECRU-TEC™ Test Trait Descriptions
1. PREDICTABILITYMeasures how predictable and reliable a candidate is in their behavior. Are they consistent in their actions, or hard to predict for others? Do they feel certain about where they're going in life, and what may happen next?
2. ENERGYHow active is the candidate? Do they like to be busy, or do they prefer a position that will not require a great deal of effort? Are they the kind of person who likes to be in motion, or are they more passive? Measures the level of energy at work. Also evaluates initiative and drive. Is the evaluated person willing to work hard and to do his/her best to get results?
3. ENTHUSIASMReflects optimism or pessimism. Also shows the level of interest – or lack of interest in life. Does the evaluated person believe in the future and can he/she demonstrate enthusiasm in doing things?
4. PERSISTENCEMeasures the ability to persist in one direction. Also shows the level of orderliness and organization. Is the evaluated person persistent or he/she liable to give up too soon?
5. SELF CONTROLMeasures the aptitude to stay calm, in control. Also evaluates the ability to exercise a calming influence on others, when all goes wrong.
6. DETERMINATIONMeasures assertiveness and ambition. Shows how willing and able the evaluated person is to “fight” in order to get the expected results.
7. COMMUNICATIONEvaluates communication skills. Also measures how open the evaluated person is with others. Is he/she freely talking to people or is/she rather withdrawn?
8. RAPPORTMeasures empathy and relationship skills. Shows interest – or lack of interest in other people. Can the evaluated person go along with others?
9. SELF-CONFIDENCEDegree of certainty – or lack of, in personal abilities. Evaluates how much self-confidence the evaluated person can demonstrate. How confident is he/she of his/her potential and talents?
10. OBJECTIVITYMeasures the aptitude to see things exactly as they are. Can the evaluated person objectively analyze situations without being influenced by subjective, arbitrary opinions?
11. TOLERANCEMeasures degree of tolerance – or lack of. Can the evaluated person accept situations or others without criticizing them? Or is he/she critical and intolerant?
12. ORGANIZATIONMeasures the level of personal organization and orderliness. Shows how much the evaluated person is willing AND able to get well organized on the job.
13. INTERESTEvaluates the level of interest for the job. Does the person show a real interest for the applied-for position?
14. EXCHANGEMeasures the level of exchange. Does the evaluated person present a good concept of exchange, regarding the salary/compensation aspect of the job. Is he/she primarily motivated by the “money” side of the job or does he/she also present other motivations?
15. RESULTSMeasures the level of past performance. Has the evaluated person reached measurable results on a previous job or in life?
16. QUALIFICATIONSMeasures the level of qualifications for the job. Is the evaluated person technically qualified for the job?
17. TEAM SPIRITMeasures team spirit. Is the evaluated person team-oriented? Can he/she contribute to the development of a group?
18. BASIC PRINCIPLESMeasures adherence to important principles about work relationship. Can the evaluated person agree with some basic principles of work relationship and be tolerant of others in the team?
19. PRESSURE AT WORKEvaluates the level of resistance to pressure on the job. Can the evaluated person work under heavy pressure?
20. AVAILABILITYMeasures the availability on the job. Is the evaluated person willing to work hard?
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